Performance, scalability, availability and durability

As the market transforms, our view of media asset storage needs to change as well. In practice, cloud storage is taking up more and more space and this is no coincidence, adopting the cloud brings several advantages in these cases.

We are talking about easier collaboration, better delivery in geographically distinct locations and TCO (total cost of ownership) optimization. Our cloud storage solution offers performance, scalability and flexibility, allowing Media and Entertainment companies to manage all their assets in an agile and secure way, extracting the best from the cloud to support their business.



Encryption features and access management tools


Redundancy and replication features to prevent data loss


The implementation adapts to your business and ecosystem


The size of your demand

With our solution, you can scale storage resources up and down to meet fluctuating demands. Our cloud storage was designed to automatically create and store copies of all objects across multiple systems, thus generating high data durability. In practice, this means that these assets are always available and protected against failures, errors and threats.

Our team of experts always seeks to analyze each ecosystem and adapt each solution to business objectives.

Want to know more?

Our team of experts can get in touch to discuss how our Cloud Storage solutions can benefit your business

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