Bringing automation to your ecosystem

Nowadays, companies that work with content at their core need to worry about receiving content from different sources and formats and delivering it to a large number of different channels and devices. 

AD Digital's Transcoding and Orchestration solution, which is nothing more than a flexible platform based on a service-oriented architecture, was created to support Media and Entertainment companies in this challenge and create powerful automated workflows. We are talking about transcoding, media capture, metadata processing, media analysis and content joining in a single suite, with centralized control. 


From production
to Delivery

The solution includes support for over 120 video and audio compression formats and file types

Hands-free automation

Visual workflows, easy to understand and program, even in heterogeneous environments

4K and UltraHD

The solution supports UltraHD and 4K video processing, including up-conversion of HD content and full GPU acceleration


Scalability and Innovation

Our solution offers scalability for all ecosystems, from simple standalone systems to complex multi-server systems, to meet the evolving needs of your business today and tomorrow.  

We use the latest technologies to deliver the best possible quality and exceptional processing speed, plus one of the smartest workflow automation systems in the industry. Platform processing can be extended from on-premises systems to the cloud – to quickly handle spikes in production demand or test new business concepts. 



Want to know more?

Our team of experts can get in touch to discuss how Automation and Transcoding can benefit your business

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